The first Single from Vegas DeMilo's album, "Black Sheep Lodge."


Just a typical Tuesday
Phone ringing at 6am
All the usual bullshit
My boss calling about a strategy meeting
Like he'd know what a strategy is

Took the client to dinner
He said let's go to a strip club
We were drinking like sailors
Behaving like idiots
Another good use of an English degree

What passes for knowledge
I learned nothing in college
Except how to be everything that I never wanted to be
What passes for knowledge
I learned nothing in college
Someone wake me up cause I'm sick of living the dream

Just a typical Tuesday
On the phone with my dealer
He said we needed to parley
They're taking bets at the office, I won't last to Christmas
They think I got a problem

What passes for knowledge
I learned nothing in college
Except how to smoke pot
and the virtues of "Dancing Queen"
What passes for knowledge
I learned nothing in college
I was a bright young thing
Now I'm just a divorcee